Weddings at Neu Chapel
We're delighted that you are considering holding your ceremony in Neu Chapel at the University of Evansville. By choosing to gather in a chapel and inviting friends and family members, you're recognizing that your marriage affects the lives of many other people. Your wedding is about you and your spouse, but it's also about the larger community, where you live and move and have your being. The wedding ceremony testifies to the significance of the choice you're making and the roles that God, family, friends, and one another will play in a life together. Neu Chapel's sacred architecture provides a beautiful setting for your wedding day and points to the sacred covenant of marriage—a life shared in community before God and one another.
The University of Evansville is a United Methodist-related institution and Neu Chapel stands in that tradition. Neu Chapel is an inclusive house of prayer and worship and is a very active place of spiritual formation, gathering and worship for the University of Evansville campus. We welcome couples to enter into the life of our campus community to celebrate their wedding vows.
As you engage in your planning, please keep in mind that our scheduling and ceremony guidelines are designed to help you have a beautiful ceremony while ensuring the regularly scheduled Neu Chapel programs continue as planned.
(Shelby Roscoe)