Giving Societies

John Collins Moore Society
Furthering Our Founder's Vision through Planned Gifts

John Collins Moore is the visionary who founded what is now the University of Evansville in 1854. Our founder truly believed in the transformational power of education and wanted it for both men and women. Mr. Moore gave the land and funding to start Moores Hill Male and Female Collegiate Institute in 1854. On the John Collins Moore Society logo, there is a rendering of Moores Hill College as it was in the mid-1800s.

Because planned gifts -- especially bequests -- are so vital to the future financial health of the University of Evansville, we chose the name of our University's founder to represent this important group of UE benefactors.

Planned Gifts refers to gifts to the University that are tied to your estate plan. These could be bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, insurance, annuity trusts, lead trusts and other such gifts. Find more information on planned gifts.

If are considering joining the John Collins Moore Society, made up of some 200 UE benefactors, please contact Pat Barner at 812-488-3445 or, or visit

Clifford Circle

The Clifford Circle, recognizing cumulative gifts of $1 million and above, is named in honor of George and Emily Orr Clifford.

George dreamed of a college for Evansville, which led him to propose to the Commission of Higher Education that Moores Hill College be moved here in 1919 and renamed Evansville College. His wife, Emily, was the first woman to serve on the College's Board of Trustees.

The inaugural members were inducted on Thursday, June 28, 2012, and the center of the Sesquicentennial Oval was dedicated the Clifford Circle.